Thursday, October 19, 2006

How to Become an Ideal Leader

When you are at work, do you get frustrated because things don't seem to be happening the way they’re supposed to be? You see people milling around but nothing gets accomplished. And in the daily hustle and bustle, do you feel that your goals remain just that – goals. Then maybe its time for you to stand up and do something about it.

Most people are content just to stand around listening for orders. And it isn't unusual to adopt a follow-the-leader mentality. But maybe, somewhere inside of you, you feel the desire to make things happen – to be the head, not the tail. Then maybe leadership just suits you fine.

Some people believe that great leaders are made, not born. Yes, it may be true that some people are born with natural talents. However, without practice, without drive, without enthusiasm, and without experience, there can be no true development in leadership.

You must also remember that good leaders are continually working and studying to improve their natural skills. This takes a commitment to constantly improve in whatever endeavor a person chooses.

First of all, let's define leadership. To be a leader, one must be able to influence others to accomplish a goal, or an objective. He contributes to the organization and cohesion of a group.

Contrary to what most people believe, leadership is not about power. It is not about harassing people or driving them using fear. It is about encouraging others towards the goal of the organization. It is putting everyone on the same page and helping them see the big picture of the organization. You must be a leader not a boss.

First of all, you have to get people to follow you. How is this accomplished?

People follow others when they see a clear sense of purpose. People will only follow you if they see that you know where you are going. Remember that bumper sticker? The one that says, don't follow me, I'm lost too? The same holds true for leadership. If you yourself do not know where you're headed to, chances are people will not follow you at all.

You yourself must know the vision of the organization. Having a clear sense of hierarchy, knowing who the bosses are, who to talk to, the organization's goals and objectives, and how the organization works is the only way to show others you know what you are doing.

Being a leader is not about what you make others do. It's about who you are, what you know, and what you do. You are a reflection of what you're subordinates must be.

Studies have shown that one other bases of good leadership is the trust and confidence your subordinates have of you. If they trust you they will go through hell and high water for you and for the organization.

Trust and confidence is built on good relationships, trustworthiness, and high ethics.

The way you deal with your people, and the relationships you build will lay the foundation for the strength of your group. The stronger your relationship, the stronger their trust and confidence is in your capabilities.

Once you have their trust and confidence, you may now proceed to communicate the goals and objectives you are to undertake.

Communication is a very important key to good leadership. Without this you can not be a good leader. The knowledge and technical expertise you have must be clearly imparted to other people.

Also, you can not be a good leader and unless you have good judgment. You must be able to assess situations, weigh the pros and cons of any decision, and actively seek out a solution.

It is this judgment that your subordinates will come to rely upon. Therefore, good decision-making is vital to the success of your organization.

Leaders are not do-it-all heroes. You should not claim to know everything, and you should not rely upon your skills alone.

You should recognize and take advantage of the skills and talents your subordinates have. Only when you come to this realization will you be able to work as one cohesive unit.

Remember being a leader takes a good deal of work and time. It is not learned overnight. Remember, also, that it is not about just you. It is about you and the people around you.

So, do you have the drive and the desire to serve required of leaders? Do you have the desire to work cooperatively with other people? Then start now. Take your stand and be leader today.

Rod Larrivee

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Setting up and Getting the Most out of AdLandPro

AdLandPro is a great resource for advertising and networking with other network marketers. It has lots of free resources, and a very affordable Pro Membership.

Phase One – Setting up as a free member

and click on Register at the top of the page.

When you first register to become a member of Adlandpro, the first thing you should do is log in to your members' area. You can do that by going to this link and entering your USERID which and Password -

Step 1 - Writing Your First Ad. Go to this link:

Click "Next" to continue. The following form should be relatively straight forward.
You're prompted for a Country, the Category in which you place your ad, the Ad Heading/Headline, the Body of the Ad, phone number, email address, the URL or web address you wish the visitor to be directed to when they click the ad headline, and 6 Keywords which are like Search Phrases for the ad.

For a more detailed description of what 6 Keywords are, go to this link:

Finally, you can choose to be notified via email when someone clicks your ad. Select or deselect this option by placing a checkmark or removing it from the checkbox. Once you've filled out all this information, you have now created your first ad in the Classified Ad Section. To view your ad, go to your "Ad Services" section here:

You should see your new ad with its headline and some buttons beside the ad. Click the "View" button to view the ad, the "Edit" button to change the ad, and the " Del " button if you want to delete the ad (not recommended).

Important: As a free member, you are entitled 3 ads per day to a maximum of 20 ads in the system under your account. Note: Adlandpro displays newer ads ahead of the older ads; your ad will continuously slide down and eventually skip to the next page and then the second page until nobody will see it. Therefore, it is paramount that you renew your ads and resubmit them. You can do this by going to this link and clicking the "Edit" button to make some small change.

The Renewable Ad Service will keep your ad at the top of the category for the duration of the service. Visit for more information.

Step 2 – Setup and Activate Your Traffic Exchange Ads

Activate your Traffic Exchange and your 500 free credits by going to this link and accepting the Terms of Service.

Then click the "Create New Ad" to create a new ad to insert into the traffic exchange. You can use the same ads that you’ve created for TrafficSwarm to insert into here. Once the ad is completed, you will be prompted to insert it into the Traffic Exchange area. Select "YES" to do so. This traffic exchange works very similar to TrafficSwarm and as a free member you’ll need to view others ads daily to generate credits to insure that you are getting maximum views of your ads.Step 3 – Setting Up Your Free Adlandpro Community AccountIf you’ve set up your DirectMatches account and have read our tutorial on getting the most out of it, this will be somewhat similar.

To sign up for the community you can go to this link:

The Community gives you a chance to network with network marketers who may be in the same field or share similar interests as yourself. You can also generate leads here because you develop relationships with people and thus they are more inclined to listen to your offers because of the relationship you have built. Forums Community forums are discussions around specific topics.

As a basic member of the community, you can create 1 forum to discuss any topic you like (within reason of course). See the Adlandpro Community Tutorials for more detailed information regarding creating and maintaining forums.

Friends The basic building block of the Community is your friends list. You create a forum and then notify all your friends of its creation. If they choose to join your forum they will be informed of any new posts or new discussions within your forum directly to their email.If you always have good informative topics, you can quickly establish yourself as an expert in your field and people will be coming to you for advice and for your products/services!

Check out the info on friends' lists here: and

These are some of the main features of the community but for a more detailed list, you're going to want to check out this page:

These are the basic free services that you can take advantage of as a free member, there are many more services to utilize as a paid Gold member of Adlandpro.

Click Here to Sign Up for AdlandPro

Rod Larrivee

P.S. Thank you Rick Jorgenson for these great instructions

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

PIF4P New Live Training Schedule


Training Programs



This is where everyone should start to
learn the basics of getting properly signed up and setup

MON 1:00 Eastern

WED 1:00 Eastern

THUR 8:00 Eastern

1-646-519-5800 PIN 9810#



Once you've graduated from Quick Start, this where you go to learn to drive
traffic to your sites

TUES 8:00 Eastern

FRI 1:00 Eastern

1-646-519-5800 PIN 9810#



Instructions for working with Direct Matches

I'm sure most of you have heard of MySpace, the social network phenomena that has 40+ million members. DirectMatches builds on that idea but gears it for the professional and network marketing audience.DirectMatches is a free to join network where you can create a profile, network with your primary prospect group and advertise your PIF4P business.

DirectMatches is the first in the online business and social networking industry to deploy a multi-matchmaking system that helps people locate everything from business contacts to network marketing professionals. It is the first business and social networking service with a contact management system that operates on a "dynamic basis", where members are able to select from dedicated networking communities.Here's how you can get the most out of your DirectMatches membership.

If you haven't done so already sign up by clicking here: . You can sign up for free, $9.95/month, $19.95/month or $29.95/month. I recommend to get at least a "Managing IR" membership ($19.95) to be able to get the most out of this tool.Once you've signed up you will want to set up your user profile.

There are 3 areas that you will be placing your profile information. Keep in mind that this information is used to match you against other members profiles in the system. Here is what I put in my profile to match the people I'm most looking for in the system:Under "Occupation" I checked "MLM". You may want to check "Retired" and "Self-Employed" as well.Under "Business Topics" I checked "Ad Strategies", "Internet Marketing" and "Home Based Business".Under "Business Interests" I checked "Marketing, Advertising" and "Networking".

Once you've done that put your other information in and click on "submit".You will then be taken to your profile page where you will want to click on "My Business Matches". You will find that you should have matched hundreds if not thousands of other members. This is where you will get started in building your DirectMatches contact base.Once you are on the "My Business Matches" page you will want to start adding contacts. Assuming all of these folks match what you are looking for, go ahead and start clicking on the "add me to contacts" button for each one.

You want to go through at least the first 10 pages, which will be 100 contacts. Once you've done that you can go back to those contact profiles and send them an email introducing yourself. Keep it informal and short. Make sure you have your sig file on the bottom of your email (you can set it up in your email options).You will now have 100 contacts that you will have made initial contact with. Hopefully, they should all add you as a contact on their page.

They will automatically show up in your contact section on your page giving you the opportunity to have regular communications with them. You will want to continue this process (adding business matches) on a daily basis. By the end of the week you should have 700 new contacts to network with and more than likely a few sign ups into PIF4P.

The next thing you can do as part of your DM strategy is to send daily group emails out to your contact list. You are limited to sending it to 60 people a day so plan accordingly. That doesn't mean you can't send more than that, just that you can only send 60 group messages at a time. I would send a daily tip out, something that will help them in building their MLM business. You can tie it to the Success Guide or just something that you are doing to drive traffic. People will soon start to expect this from you and you will become an information resource for them. Send a link to your blog as well as a helpful resource.

Another powerful feature you have within DM is the network search feature that you will find in your mail page. You will use it to locate members that are in particular network marketing companies, like Shaklee or Xango. You will get back pages of contacts that belong to that MLM group. Once you've done that you click on "add me to contacts", then I come back to their profile and click on the email link.

Here is what I email them:

Subject Line: Want to build your (insert the name of their MLM) dowline faster?I'm going to be direct and to the point.

Would you like to find out how to sign up more members into (insert the name of their MLM)then you ever thought possible?

Using this system I've been able to sign up 500 new members in the past 6 weeks.And the best part. . . It's free to join.Check it out.

Let me know if you have any questions once you've had a chance to look at it.


**ONLY LOSERS PAY FOR LEADS** Discover how average people with no marketing backgrounds are getting prospects to pay them....NEVER PAY FOR TRAFFIC AGAIN!!!

Try and send out at least 15-20 of these everyday. It is a more aggressive approach but it works really well.

The other activity you can do is to post comments on your contacts page. Simply go to their page and click on add a comment. You can write a quick note and add the PIF4P banner in that comment field as well.

By working your DM resource on a daily basis you will bring a good deal of qualified traffic to your PIF4P website and start getting signups from that traffic.

Rod Larrivee

P.S. Thank you Rick Jorgenson for these great instructions