Saturday, August 19, 2006

The importance of a Primary Internet Marketing Program

The importance of a Primary Internet Marketing Program

If you have been involved in Online Marketing for a long time, you will already understand the importance of a Primary Internet Marketing Program. You probably already have one. If you are new to Internet marketing, then this email is directed at you. Those of you that already have a Primary Internet Marketing Program, I am not trying to get you to switch over to mine, but I would like to talk a bit about how to properly choose a Primary Program.

Your Primary Program is your bread and butter, long term, residual income, retirement program and you can make money with a basic membership, there are important reasons why you should consider setting yourself up on with a Primary Program.In a nutshell, the difference is this:If you are just promoting GDI and Traffic Oasis, and other affiliate programs, but not a Primary Program then you are potentially leaving $1000's of dollars on the table every single month...because with no further effort on your part, your members will also join you in your Primary Program.

What should you look for in a primary program?

1) A company that has been around for at least 5 years with a good track record. The last thing you need is to get involved with a new (ground floor) primary, invest your time and resources, only to have it go out of business in a year. 9 out of 10 new internet network marketing business will fail in the first couple of years. Do some research. This is your retirement income; you want it to be around for a long time.
2) A business with a product that you and your members love and cannot live without! This is so important, as if you sponsor a person into your Primary Business, and they decide down the road not to continue building their business, you want a product that they cannot live without, so they will continue using it forever even if it is only not for their personal use.
3) A business that has a product in a fast growing market.

The Primary Internet Marketing Program I have chosen is in the Health and Wellness Industry. A company that has been around for 50 years, and will be around for 50 more. A company involved in a multi-billion dollar industry expected to grow to a trillion dollars in the next 10 years. This is where I want to be!
Check out my Primary Internet Marketing Business by clicking the link below and listen to Paul Birdsall’s audio on the importance of this Primary Business, which is also his and Joel Broughton’s Primary Business, and how to use it and promote it with your other programs.

To Your Success,

Rod Larrivee

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Direct Matches - The for Business

Have you ever heard of ? This is the MySpace for Business People. Take a close look at this.

Have You Ever REALLY Been In On The Ground Floor of a Phenomenal Home Business Opportunity?Have you ALWAYS felt like you were never at the right place at the right time, always hearing about the, "heavy hitters," of MLM that somehow seemed to be the first in and the first to make the BIG BUCKS?What would you think if I told you it was YOUR turn to find THE BIG opportunity, and that you would be one of the first in the Company with ALL the Big Time MLM'rs?Let me ask you something else. Are you tired of spending HUGE amounts of money on expensive auto ships of lotions, potions and pills? Is your closet full of "stuff," you'll never use?Welcome to

This program has many entry levels from free to premium at $30.00/month. Huge income opportunities.Direct Matches is ONLY about PEOPLE! It's about providing a service that brings people together that are actively looking for business opportunities, jobs, friends, partners and many other connections people are looking for!Does the word "start up," scare you? Well, Direct Matches is no start up! Direct Matches has credibility. Direct Matches belongs to the Direct Selling Association, E-Trust, Greater Reston Chamber of Commerce, the US Chamber of Commerce, and they have hired Gerald Nehra, MLM Specialist and Private Practice Attorney on retainer.The earning potential is the most lucrative in the Industry.

Go to: and check out the PRIME-4-REWARD COMPENSATION PLAN!You can JOIN at the Executive Level for less than $30, and have the potential of making between $2000 and $12,000 per week!Don't slam the door to opportunity then sit back and wish you'd taken what could be YOUR BIG CHANCE at amazing income! Don't let the "Big Boys," (and GALS) be the first to get in on this ground floor opportunity!It seems that many people would rather sit back and take a wait-and-see attitude, and NEVER have success in their lives, because they don't have the heart to be GREAT! If you've always dreamed of something more than an average and ordinary life, get involved, have your own business, make it happen NOW!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Writing Articles . . the how and why!

Getting YOUR OWN articles written, distributed and published on the Internet is one of the very best *FREE* Internet marketing technique in existence. Think about it...Once you have an article written where YOU are the author, you become an instant authority. When people find your article, read it and get some good information from it, they appreciate you. That appreciation quickly grows into trust and when they click the link in your article resource box to visit your website, they will be much more likely to sign up with you in one of your recommended business opportunities or buy one of your recommended products.Remember, the more links you get on quality websites pointing back to you, the more money you will make online. Also, search engines LOVE articles.

You can write your own articles or Hire someone to write articles for you.This is a great solution for people who are not comfortable writing their own articles. You might feel like you don't know enough or you simply might not enjoy writing... You should NEVER let either of these factors stop from authoring your own articles and getting them published online. Simply use an article ghost writing service such as Just Articles.I use Just Articles extensively. For a small fee, you can select how many articles you want written, how many words you want each article to have and what topic you want your articles to be written about. Or you can simply join the Just Articles Home Business Niche Article Club and receive 30 fresh original articles every month. It's so easy! :-)

Your next step is simply to decide how you want to submit your articles... You can do it by hand one site at a time. Or you can automate your article submissions and get your article posted to hundreds of different websites instantly.Doing it by hand: Click Here to see a list of 100 article directories I've located. The drawback of doing it by hand is that it takes a lot of time and effort. Personally, I don't recommend submitting your articles by hand. It takes WAY TOO MUCH WORK to get the results you are looking for. I automate all of my own article submissions which is one of the big reasons my website is posted everywhere online... Automate it: Click Here to join Content Propulsion Lab. This is my secret article marketing weapon. With your CPL membership, you get everything you need to write and submit articles for profits on the Internet including instant access to the web's premier article development and syndication center including online videos that teach you everything you need to know to make a fortune with article marketing, software that makes writing new articles easy, fast and FUN, a powerful Article Submitter software that will help you to submit your articles to over 200 article directories automatically. Another, less expensive option is Article Submitter Pro. Click Here to check it out. I can submit an Article to 150 Article Directories in less than 30 minutes. An Article Submitter software is the real key to article marketing success. Most people waste their time trying to submit articles by hand and they never get the traffic they need to make money.

Before you submit your Article, be sure it is formatted correctly. The submission site will decline your Article if it is not properly formatted. Click Here for a FREE Article Formatter.

GET STARTED NOW! Submitting your articles and getting them re-published on other people's websites and newsletters is probably the most powerful Internet marketing strategy of all. And, for the most part, it's free. Once you get your article re-published on someone's site, that's prime-time advertising space that you NEVER have to pay a dime for!

Rod Larrivee

Home Internet Businesses: Work Online!

Working at home is a dream for many, but not many understand
just how to get started. If you are looking to earn some serious
money apart from your regular job, consider working online or
starting your own home internet business.

When you work online and start your own home internet business,
you are doing a very simple yet important thing – taking charge
of your financial future. It takes courage to do so, for not
many people can tolerate the uncertainty that comes with the
absence of a regular salary. However, if you are serious about
fulfilling your financial goals, you definitely have to start a
venture of your own. Otherwise you will be tied down to a job
for the rest of your life.

Now, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with holding down a job.
That’s an accomplishment in itself – not everyone has jobs.
However, if you are stuck with a job that does not interest you,
or nurture your personal growth, then you have a problem.
Basically, you will be making a trade-off between your
development and the money that you receive.

In the short-run, a job is a great solution to your financial
problems, but in the long-run it may prevent you from taking
advantage of the opportunities that come your way. Once you’re
used to doing the same type of work day after day, you may begin
to expect nothing else from life. You get into a rut; and this
rut so begins to take hold of you that you don’t even realize
that you’re in one. If you feel a sense of unease concerning
what you do from day to day, or if you are simply bored with
life, then you can be sure that you are in a rut.

How does one break free of a rut? By doing something new,
something exciting, and something fresh! There’s an old aphorism
that says that “variety is the spice of life,” and that’s true.
If you’ve long wanted to start your own financial venture, do it
today! Starting a home internet business is easy, and by working
online you will begin to experience the thrill of working for

Working for yourself can give you a new lease on life. After
many years of working to make someone else rich, wouldn’t it be
nice to apply all your skills and talents to making your dreams
come true? When you have your own home internet business and
working online, you will be in complete control of your time,
which ultimately means that you are in control of your life. We
all really have one life to live, so don’t you think it’s a good
idea to start living the life you’ve always wanted?

Rod Larrivee

Check Out This Great Home Business