Thursday, April 12, 2007

Free Advertising: The Importance Of Submitting Articles

(c) 2007 Clara Nolt

Why is writting articles and submitting your article to other websites or to article directories so important?

Here are just a few reasons why it is so important to submit your articles.

If you are a serious Internet marketer and serious about your business then you will listen closely to these words and take immediate action!

Article submitting may be the making or breaking (if it isn't done) of your business and if you take action you will get world-wide exposure.

Information is what every person who goes to the search engines are looking for. So be sure that your articles are filled with good informative content.

Once your article is submitted and accepted into the data-base it will remain there forever. (So, your article gets accepted and in 10 years from now it will still be there) That means 100% completely free advertising for you!

You will also get links pointing back to your website.

When you submit an article with good informative content to any directory then others will want to make use of your article for content on their websites.

You MUST have the copy-right terms with the URL of your website intact which,in return, will direct traffic to your website. Another form of 100% free advertising!

Your name and your website will get listed in the search engines, giving you credibility and your name will become popular and you will be considered as someone with seasoned knowledge.

People will then readily buy your products or services. This also is 100% free advertising!

Therefore, if you want massive exposure then you can see why it is so VERY important to get those articles written and submitted.

Now, go and get it done and be consistent, submitting one article at least once or twice a week.
By submitting your articles to directories that have lots of traffic, it will not be long before your website will be crawled by the search engines.

You will be amazed at the results of your effot! Free advertising at its best!

About the Author: Noah & Clara Nolt are successful Internet marketers located in Indiana, USA


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