Why Do You Need A Landing Page?
(c) Copyright 2007 by Charles Weatherread
So, you want to be a successful internet marketer? What isthe first thing that you are going to do? Build a website? Buy leads? Want to know what I would recommend?
Building a website may be crucial to getting your product tothe market, but there has to be a way to get the market tothe product. The best way to do that is through a landingpage, sometimes known as a "lead capture page", or a"squeeze page." These pages are designed to collect thenames and email addresses of potential customers. The pagesare focused specifically on capturing leads for a newsletteror making sales for a product. They don't even attempt togive the visitor any other option. They can fill out theform or close the page. Period.
One important thing to learn about landing pages is that allsuccessful marketers use them. If you plan to market aproduct or anything else over the internet, you will needone too. It makes collecting leads much simpler thanrelying solely on sidebar opt-in forms and unfocusedwebpages that don't have a collective call to action.
Every good landing page has the same parts and it isdedicated to the same goal - gettint the visitor to become asubscriber or buyer. These parts consist of an opt-in form, an introduction, apicture of the owner, the owner's signature and a call toaction. The introduction may be extremely short orextremely long, that is determined by what the owner hasfound to work for him. The only way to find out is to testit. Either way the text has to be thorough, focused, andcompelling. It has to convince the visitor that this iswhat they want.
Many people disagree on what a landing page should be, butmost agree that it should be a system through which you cangenerate multiple streams of income. This page can have and opt-in form or simply be a salespage. Either way it has to convince the visitor to takeaction. Whether you are giving away free newsletters, ordiscounted prices on products, the landing page has to offersomething of perceivable value to the customer. This iswhat compels them to subscribe or buy your product.
Once the visitor has subscribed or made a purchase theyshould be redirected to a thank you page. The thank youpage is also a strong sales tool. While the customer is ina buying mood you can offer them back-end package that issimply irressistable. These may include advertisements foryou affiliate programs or related products. Here again, youshould give them a one time offer. Also is you haven'tasked them to join your mailing list, now is a great time todo it. Hit them while they are in the mood.
Now that you have them on your mailing list you can open upsome more revenue generating options for youself. If youare publishing a newsletter or e-zine, you can sell ad spacehere. Next you can endorse your affiliate programs. If youcreate your own products, you have a means of marketing themnow through your mailing list.
All of these methods can be used collectively orindividually. It is important to know that you don't haveto use all of these methods, but the more you use, the moreyou are likely to earn. By giving the visitor multiplemethods to join you're opt-in list, you are increasing thelikely-hood that they will become a recurring customer.
A landing page is such a valuable tool for the internetmarketer that it is hard to believe that any self-respectingmarketer would be without one. By using it to increase yourcontact list, increase your sales, and add the potential forfuture sales, you are creating a residual future that willlast for years to come.
Now that you know what to do with a landing page and how itwill benefit your business, what are you waiting for? Isn'tit time to get that page built. Remember, that is the pagethat you want to advertise. After all, we all know that"The money is in the list."
About the Author: Charles Weatherread is an Internet Marketer and Success Coach. You can visit his website at
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